Check the date at the RODIN-WEB Calendar: MSIE only.

See Exhibition overview for: 2001   2002   2003   2005   2006

University Art Museum
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Sept. 20, 2003 - Jan. 4, 2004

Philbrook Museum of Art
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Jan. 25 - March 24, 2004

Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Buffalo, New York
April 17 - July 5, 2004

Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Museum of Art

Utica, New York
July 17 - Oct. 4, 2004

"Rodin : A magnificent Obsession."

Selections from the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Collection

Press release:

"Rodin: A Magnificent Obsession, Sculpture from the Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Foundation presents a survey of Rodin's work and consists of about seventy-five objects including bronzes, drawings, photographs, a model of the ten step lost-wax-casting-process, and a 53 minute documentary which chronicles the casting of Rodin's monumental work The Gates of Hell."

  Catalog by Kirk Varnedoe, Antoinette Le Normand-Romain, Mary Levkoff e.a.; Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation
Published by Merrell Publishers limited — London 2001
ISBN 1 85894 144 - X

Review of the book by Sarah Lah:

15 Sept. 2003 - 1 FEB. 2004

Balthus, Alice, 1933

Felix Valloton, Niedergelgte Lektüre, 1924


Frauenansichten. Malerabsichten. Aufbruch zur Moderne. Körper der Frau am Beginn der Moderne.

Ernst Ludwig Kirchners „Akt mit Hut“, um 1911, steht im Mittelpunkt unserer Ausstellung „Nackt! Der Körper der Frau am Beginn der Moderne“. Als ein Hauptwerk der Sammlung wird es in einen breiten zeitgenössischen Kontext (1880-1938) gestellt werden, der einer der aufregendsten in der Kunstentwicklung überhaupt ist. Am Blick des Malers bzw. der Malerin auf den Körper der Frau werden Einflüsse und Entwicklungen der Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte erfahrbar. So befreit sich die Aktmalerei um 1900 aus den traditionellen Bahnen, Blut steigt in die Adern, aus perfekten Akten werden Nackte. Das Konzept schließt den Bereich der Salonmalerei vollkommen aus und hat keinen Platz für Auftragsarbeiten. Wir wollen die Aufmerksamkeit auf Werke lenken, in denen der Künstler seine persönlichen Visionen auslebt und dabei formal neue Wege beschreitet. Die international ausgerichtete Ausstellung vereint Meisterwerke von namhaften Künstlern wie Renoir, Degas, Gauguin, Bonnard und Picasso mit denen von Modersohn-Becker, Schiele, Kokoschka und Dix, lässt jedoch auch Raum für außergewöhnliche Entdeckungen. So können wir neben Werken von Klimt auch einen großen Akt seiner Schülerin Broncia Koller zeigen. Aus der Fülle von nackten Frauen, die die Kunstgeschichte der Jahrhundertwende bereithält, führen wir Exponate zusammen, die in Gebärde, Farbigkeit und Stimmung eng aufeinander bezogen werden können und den Besucher in ihren sinnlichen Bann ziehen!

Germany, Frankfurt
Städelsches Kunstinstitut

17 Oct. 2003 - 15 Feb. 2004

"D'ombre et de marbre" 

Hugo face à Rodin. 
Paris, Maison de Victor Hugo

Here you can download the press release (534 kb)

13 Jan. 2004 - 1 Apr. 2004

"Figures de terre"

Rodin face à l'antique 
Paris, musée Rodin 

Après les Tanagras du Louvre, voici celles de Rodin: Ces figurines grecques d'argile, redécouvertes en Béotie à la fin de 1870 sur le site de Tanagra, et devenues symboles de l'élégance et la beauté féminine, connurent un extraordinaire engouement à la fin du XIXe siècle. Rodin, collectionneur d'antiques, ne résista pas à leur charme et acheta des centaines de statuettes égyptiennes, grecques ou romaines.

Here you can download the press release (65 kb)  

6 Apr. - 24 Jun. 2004

"Dante et Virgile aux Enfers"

Paris, musée Rodin 
Dessins de Rodin 

Rodin façonne tous ses personnages au lavis et à la gouache, au gré de son imagination fertile. Des générations d'artistes ont été marquées par l'aspect visionnaire de l'italien,de Botticelli à Blake et à Doré. Soixante ans après Delacroix et sa Barque de Dante ,que le Louvre célèbre ce printemps, Rodin s'imprègne, par le dessin, de l'esprit du florentin pour en faire le grand œuvre de sa vie. Il va jusqu'à donner le titre de Dante à son Penseur . À la fin de sa vie,il songea même à attribuer le nom de masque de Dante au buste d'un américain. Une trentaine de dessins, photographies,documents et buste prouvent l'admiration et l'inspiration d'un artiste de la fin du XIX ème envers un maître du XIII ème siècle.

Here you can download the press release (77 kb)

29 Jun. - 3O Sept. 2004

"Rodin et les livres"

Paris, musée Rodin 

La bibliothèque du musée Rodin conserve dans ses fonds des ouvrages qui permettent d'illustrer ce que furent les rapports que le sculpteur entretint avec le livre en général. Auguste Rodin,fut,au cours de sa vie, illustrateur, auteur et collectionneur. Figure incontournable de la vie mondaine et intellectuelle de son temps, il reçut également un grand nombre d'ouvrages dédicacés par leurs auteurs, souvent écrivains ou poètes célèbres, sans parler de la correspondance qu'il entretint avec nombre d'entre eux.

Here you can download the press release (53 kb)

9 Jun. - 30 Sept. 2004

"Cultural Olympiad"

Athens, National Gallery, Alexandros Soutsos Museum

Six leading sculptors and the human figure.

Here you can download the press release (98 kb)

29 Sept. 2003 - 4 Jun. 2004

"In Focus : The Kiss."

London, Modern Tate Gallery

For an interesting article about the Lewes Kiss, that is now located at the Tate Gallery, see Tate Gallery.

Palazzo dei Diamanti
Ferrare, Italy
Dec. 12 - Feb. 29, 2004

Royal Scottish Academy
Edinburgh, Great Britain
Sept. 14 - Nov. 16, 2004

"Edgar Degas and the Italians in Paris"


This art exhibition will be the first which explores the relation between E. Degas and a group of Italian artists who lived in Paris at the end of the 19th century and who had friendly and business relations with this great French impressionist.
The exhibition presents some seventy works, such as oil paintings, sculptures, pastels and etchings of degas and his Italian colleagues: Zandomeneghi, De Nittis, Boldini, M. Rosso, to whom he was linked by his Italian origin and his love for the culture of the peninsula.
The brilliant experiments of degas influenced his environment with his innovatory art, as a matter of subjects as well as of techniques.
This exhibition includes famous masterpieces and less known works, not just with the sole purpose of showing them to the public, but above all that of stimulating the researches and studies about the art of the late 19th century.

17 Jan. - 9 May 2004

"Ideale e Realtà."

Una storia del nudo dal Neoclassicismo ad oggi.

Bologna, Galleria d'Arte Moderna

For the second time the Galleria d’Arte Moderna of Bologna will be staging this comprehensive exhibition dedicated to one of the leading themes of western art: the nude. Just as the exhibition dedicated to still life (2001-2002) chose Manet as a starting point, the exhibition “The Nude between Ideal and Reality: a History from Neoclassicism until Now” starts with Canova and runs through to the most recent figurative trends. It will be structured into three different sections: painting and sculpture, photography and video- performance. 

It includes moral, religious, social as well as stylistic and aesthetic dimensions and deals with the taboo of what can or cannot be shown at different times. So works which have been created for private viewing now become public, for instance the drawings and water-colours of Schiele, Klimt and Rodin. 

The exhibition demonstrates the changes regarding the philosophy of life, from the artificial fictions of Neoclassicism to today’s view of the fragmented body. The exhibition contains numerous three-dimensional works and presents to the viewer major works by Canova, Giacometti, Gauguin, Degas, Maillol, Marini, Lachaise, Martini, Laurens, Rodin and Jones. 

Two catalogues will be published by ArtificioSkira, including essays by Luca Beatrice, Penelope Curtis, Paolo Fabbri, Umberto Galimberti- Uliana Zanetti, Claudia Gian Ferrari, Peter Gorsen, Claudio Poppi, Alison Smith and Peter Weiermair for the volume on figurative arts, and Claudio Marra, Ulrich Pohlmann and Peter Weiermair for the volume on photography. 

1 Dec. 2003 - 15 Mar. 2004

"Monet and his friends"

Museum of Fine Arts
Budapest, HUNGARY

Marking the close of the FranciArt cultural season in Hungary, the Museum of Fine Arts is organizing an important exhibition of the artist Claude Monet and his contemporaries in an exhibition organized by the French Institute of Budapest and the Musée des Beaux Arts in Dijon. 

The exhibition presents paintings, drawings and sculptures from over 30 European and American collections; Hungary’s Museum of Fine Arts offers three Monet paintings and 40 works from its collection of drawings and reproduced graphics. The exhibition features 25 paintings by Monet, including the Gare Saint-Lazare, The London Parliament and Dutch Tulip Fields. In addition to Renoir’s remarkable portrait of his friend Claude Monet, two paintings depicting the Monet family, created by Renoir and Eduard Manet, will also be on display. The exhibition also includes paintings of Camille Pissarro, Gustave Caillebotte, Alfred Sisley and Paul Signac. Works are of the impressionist masters are divided into thematic groups (landscapes of Normandy, travels in London, The Netherlands and Venice, banks of the Seine), and focuses on illustrating the friendship between the older Monet and sculptor Auguste Rodin.

The 250- page catalogue, published by Vince Kiadó, will be available in French and Hungarian.

17 Jan. - 9 May 2004

"Auguste Rodin, Camille Claudel et 
Anna Goloubkina"

Gallery Tretyakov
Moscow, RUSSIA

Unfortunately, we could not find any further information in the Internet about this exhibition announced by the Musée Rodin. For all further enquiries please turn to the Musée Rodin in Paris.

6 Jul. - 29 Aug. 2004

City Museum
Osaka, Japan
Oct. 5 - Nov. 28, 2004

City Museum
Nagoya, Japan
Jan. 5 - March 6, 2005

"Expositions Universelles"

National Museum of Oriental Art
Tokyo, JAPAN

Unfortunately, we could not find any further information in the Internet about this exhibition announced by the Musée Rodin. For all further enquiries please turn to the Musée Rodin in Paris.

Oct. 2004

"Rodin et ses ateliers : 
de Camille Claudel à Brancusi"

Caïxa Forum
Barcelone, SPAIN

Unfortunately, we could not find any further information in the Internet about this exhibition announced by the Musée Rodin. For all further enquiries please turn to the Musée Rodin in Paris.



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