Rodin Works: Bust of the Duchesse de choiseul


Rodin met Claire Coudert, Duchesse de Choiseul in London in 1904. She was about 25 years younger than Rodin - just like Camille - and brought a new vitality into his dusty rooms. She started working for him as impressaria and promoted his sales in the USA. Through her efforts, the prices of Rodin's work went up enormously and within a few years, his annual income increased from 60,000 till 400,000 Francs.

In 1906, Rodin's friendship with the Duchesse turned into a love affair. She convinced him to buy a grammophone and hear music records. She obviously inspired Rodin, who felt like a younger man again und used to call her his 'Muse' , but she also tended to isolate him from his friends and showed great interest in his heritage.


In 1908, Rodin made her portrait. He stopped the working on the 'Bust of the Duchesse de Choiseul' before the hair was finished, so that a helmet-like formation emerges from the rough-hewn block.

Warned by Marcelle Tirel, Rodin broke his relationship with the Duchesse in 1912, after their trip to Italy, before the Duchesse managed to be appointed as his heiress; with support of Judith Cladel,  other money-oriented women were now kept away from Rodin, who in his last years was weak and harmed.



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