Rodin Works: the prodigal son


'The Prodigal Son', originally a study for the 'Gates of Hell', is as independent sculpture also known as 'Child of the Century' - under this title it was exposed 1894 in La Plume's Salon in a small version -, 'The Prayer' and as the male figure in 'Fugit Amor'. It is known that Rodin often chose the titles for his works more or less highhandedly or by following academical habits, to make unconventional or erotic artwork easier presentable.

A large-scale version was carved in 1899 in Limestone where the sculpture got a rocky base and a supporting stone for the stretched back. Finally, these complements were not necessary and not realized for the bronze cast. An exact dating of a preliminary study is not sure, because of the uncertain dating of 'Fugitive love' and the fact that the figure appears several times.

The biblical parable of the prodigal son tells the story of two sons who shared the father's wealth. The younger squandered his part and impoverished, but was welcomed home with open arms by his forgiving father.



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